César Barrientos Steps Down as Security Coordinator

César Barrientos, known as 'El jefe Goliat', resigns from his position as coordinator of citizen security in Benito Juárez, Mexico City, after a controversial career marked by both achievements and scandals.

César Barrientos Steps Down as Security Coordinator

César Barrientos Deras, known as 'El jefe Goliat', is a key figure in the field of public security in the Benito Juárez municipality, in Mexico City. His career in public administration has been marked by important positions, moments of controversy, and recognition for his dedicated work.

In 2016, Barrientos was arrested for his alleged involvement in serious crimes, such as kidnapping, extortion, and abuse of authority. Despite this dark chapter, he managed to remain active in public security, holding relevant positions. Recently, he announced his retirement as coordinator of citizen security and crime prevention in Benito Juárez, a position he assumed in October 2021.

During his management, Barrientos promoted the security project "BlindarBJ", which aimed to improve security in the municipality through technology and citizen collaboration. In an emotional farewell message, he thanked everyone who collaborated in the implementation of this initiative and highlighted that his departure was not a final goodbye, but a "see you soon".

One of the episodes that marked his management was the rescue of 15 foreign women victims of sexual exploitation during an operation in the Nápoles neighborhood. At that time, it was mentioned that Barrientos had the authority to allow traffickers to operate in the area.

Barrientos began his public career in 2007 as deputy director of the citizen protection unit in the Iztapalapa delegation and then held various positions in Benito Juárez and other districts. Despite the ups and downs in his career, he managed to leave an impact in the field of public security in the Benito Juárez municipality.